Because of the differing configurations of the sanctuaries in our churches, Extraordinary
Ministers of Holy Communion will stand in different places to receive the sacred vessels from
the priest and when they return after distribution of Holy Communion.
To receive the sacred vessels: After the priest has received from the chalice, the extraordinary
ministers approach the altar and stand to the left side alongside the altar servers in the sanctuary.
To return the sacred vessels: After the distribution of Holy Communion, the extraordinary
ministers approach the altar and bring the chalices (and ciborium) to the priest, usually on the
left side. They then return to the left side of the altar (where they stood to receive their vessels)
and wait for the priest to repose the Blessed Sacrament in the tabernacle. All make a profound
bow as the priest genuflects. As the priest returns to the altar to purify the sacred vessels, the
extraordinary ministers may depart the sanctuary, come to the base of the sanctuary, bow in
unison at the center, and return to their place.
To receive the sacred vessels: After the priest has received from the chalice, the extraordinary
ministers approach the sanctuary, bow at the center, and go to stand to the right side at
of the base of the extension of the sanctuary.
To return the sacred vessels: After the distribution of Holy Communion, the extraordinary
ministers approach the base of the sanctuary where they received their chalices and hand the chalices (and ciborium) to the priest, who will receive them.
They may wait for the priest to repose the Blessed Sacrament, bow profoundly as he genuflects,
return to the center of the sanctuary, bow profoundly, and return to their seat.