Letter to the Diocese of Baton Rouge
August 28, 2020
Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
I am grateful to God that the people of our diocese were mostly spared the ravages of Hurricane Laura. However, Hurricane Laura inflicted devastating and long-lasting damage to the people of the southwest and northwest areas of Louisiana, particularly those living in the Diocese of Lake Charles. In response, the Diocese of Baton Rouge will be joining other dioceses, groups and individuals to offer assistance in this time of need in the following ways:
Beginning today, August 28, our diocese will provide an online giving fund portal for Hurricane Laura Disaster Relief Fund on our diocesan website [www.diobr.org]. Once on the webpage the GIVE NOW button will allow contributions to be made, to the Diocese of Lake Charles (and others if needed), to provide direct relief to victims of Hurricane Laura, and to sustain the charitable and spiritual work of the Church in these affected parts of Louisiana.
This weekend, August 29-30th and next weekend September 5-6th I am asking every parish of the Diocese to hold a special second collection for Hurricane Laura Disaster Relief which will be forwarded to the Diocese of Baton Rouge. These contributions, as well, will be offered to the Diocese of Lake Charles (and others if needed) to provide relief to victims of Hurricane Laura, and to sustain the charitable and spiritual work of the Church in these affected parts of Louisiana.
Online donations can also be made through the Catholic Charities website at [www.ccdiobr.org]. Catholic Charities in the Diocese of Baton Rouge was active the day after Hurricane Laura passed assisting evacuees who landed in Baton Rouge and were directed to local hotels rather than shelters because of the COVID-19 pandemic. Our Catholic Charities is working with the Catholic Charities of Lake Charles and Acadiana and the Diocese of Alexandria to help assess needs and distribute relief. Donations to Catholic Charities will be used to help victims of Hurricane Laura in these affected areas.
We have known the perils and losses of Hurricanes and floods throughout our diocesan history and have received generous support from the dioceses of our Province and from people across the United States who wanted to show their love, concern and support in the long hard work of recovery and rebuilding.
While it’s not possible to address every need, together as a Diocese we can make a difference in the lives of many who need help in recovering their lives. We can do so in the spirit of generosity, grateful to God for all gifts.
Please, let’s give back generously, as we have received.